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Divine names of Creator & Son lost in multiple translations with history & time?

Acts 4:12 Philippians 2:9

Pagan Terms Removed PDF meeting room

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1 Genesis Audiobook & PDF meeting room

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14 2 Chronicles

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61 2 Peter Audiobook & PDF meeting room

62 1 John Audiobook & PDF meeting room

63 2 John Audiobook & PDF meeting room

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65 Jude Audiobook & PDF meeting room

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Pagan Terms Removed PDF meeting room

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The sound the letter (J) makes has never existed in the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek or Latin languages. This fact is why no one in Yasha's day could have accurately pronounced the English name Jesus. Sometime during the early 12th century, (J) began showing up in some obscure dialects of the Middle English language. Over the course of the next 500 years, infatuation with the new sound caused letters like (I) and (Y) in the English language to be replaced by a (J). This was especially true of male names that began with (I) or (Y) because the hard sound was, again, considered more masculine. Names like lames became "James", Yohan became "John", and so on. During this period, in 1384 John Wycliffe translated the New Testament to English for the first time. His only source was the Latin Vulgate. Wycliffe continued to use the Latin spelling and pronunciation of lesus. The printing press had not yet been invented and only a few hand-written copies of Wycliffe's Bible were produced. In the 1450's, Gutenburg invented the printing press. Then in 1526 William Tyndale translated the New Testament to the English language from the Latin Vulgate along with the additional help of some ancient Greek manuscripts. Tyndale wanted the Bible translated into the language of the common people and many copies of his translation were printed with the help of the printing press. Tyndale was the first to use the letter (J) in the spelling of the name Jesus. His real name is Yasha! Which means Saviour in Hebrew https://biblehub.com/hebrew/3467.htm

Unlock the power of Jesus' Sacred Name!

-Unearth the power of Jesus' actual name with this spiritual practice!

Discover the spiritual benefits of His Holy Name!

-Connect to God in a deeper way through the Sacred Name of Jesus!

Uncover the spiritual mysteries of Jesus' actual name today!

-Unlock a wealth of blessings with this ancient tradition!

Proverbs 23:23 "Buy the Truth" and "Sell it Not!"

Holy Bible is Free. NWT New World Translation is free. For the chosen Ones to realize you have to buy the truth!!!

Much information is FREE on this website., but the clean WORD and TRUTHS you have to buy.

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Are you sure the Holy Bible is Holy?

There has been a lot of time for man's corruption of the Creators word.  Check it out!


(Holy): In practically all languages, the word "(Holy)" has been derived from the divinely honoured sun. According to Encyclopedia of Religions, HOLI is the Great Hindu spring festival, held in honour of Krishna, as the spring sun-god. Strong's Concordance refers to "heile" (the sun's rays). This form is almost identical to the German and Dutch equivalent of the English "(Holy)." The German and Dutch word is heilig, which is derived from Heil, the name of a Saxon idol.

The correct term is Qadosh

In Paleo Hebrew it is Qadash


The common story that has been told us, is that biblion, or plural biblia, denotes any kind of written document, originally written on papyrus. This Mitsrayim (Egypt)ian papyrus reed came from Mitsrayim (Egypt) and was imported through the Phoenician seaport Gebal, which the Greeks called Byblos or Byblus. This seaport Byblos was the home of the Phoenician Sun-deity, according to S.H. Langdon, Mythology of All Races, vol. V. p. 351.This seaport or city was also known to be a city which was founded by Baal Chronos, as well as the real seat of Adonis, where a large temple of Adonis once stood. The Isis and Osiris cult, both Sun-deities, also became popular in this city later on. Further evidence was found when we read that, "The Sun-god is associated with the 'Lady of Byblos' in a letter from Tell el-Amarna (116:65, Kn.). W.H. Roscher in his Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der Griechischen und Romishen Mythologie, vol. 1, pp. 839-840, states that this ancient city Byblos in Phoenicia, as well as the city Byblis, in Mitsrayim (Egypt), was named after the female deity BYBLIS, also called BYBLE, also called BIBLIS! This female deity was the grand-daughter of Apollo, the well-known Greek Sun- deity! As we can see the Scriptures, which we so dearly love and cherish, has been given a name derived from the female deity who was the grand-daughter of the Sun-deity, Apollo.

Jesus is NOT His name! 
But I found the TRUTH who is the Messiah!

Jesus is the name of Antichrist! Rev 12:9 Yasha is His Name, the name of the Messiah!

Notice the IC = ΙΣ = Iota Sigma = Yasha which means Saviour in Paleo Hebrew(see Codex Sinaiticus 4th century the Oldest New Testament)

Fathers real NAME written "once" in Paleo Hebrew Exodus 3:14 אהיה

Scriptures tell us to come out of Babylon, the only way to do that is to STOP worshipping false names of OUR CREATOR! You can view His name in Paleo Hebrew here to be sure! They wrongly call Him ‘Eh’yeh, there was no E sound in Paleo Hebrew, HIS name is Ahayah

The SON came in His Fathers Name Ahayah!

John 5:43 (YASAT) I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

Most people don't know the Father or the Sons true NAME!

The whole world is deceived! (By Satan)  Revelation 12:9

The Fathers real name is mentioned in only ONE place Exodus 3:14

For the children of Yasharahla (Israel is a Pagan Name!) That is His NAME Forever!!! Exodus 3:15 For everyone else, MOREOVER you will follow Satan (YHWH).  More information on why YHWH and Exodus 3:15 is Satan here.

Why do you have a Bible with the WRONG name and pray to the WRONG name?

Everything else is just PAGAN (Satanic) IDOLS!  You need CLEAN WORD!

Ahayah the Father and Yasha the SON have the SAME NAME!(John 5:43)

Ahayah and Yashayah (Yashaya) both haveHAYAHin their names

In Hosea 2:16 the Father wanted to be called ISHI, which in Paleo Hebrew is Ah-Yasha, the SAME NAME as the SON Yasha!

You have accepted Jesus, the wrong name for there was no letter J 600 years ago and the Messiah rose to Heaven 2000+ years ago!

STOP Following Pagan Idols!

The Father said;

Exodus 23:13  And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. 

The Mashi'aH (Son) said;

1 John 5:21   Little children, keep yourselves from idols.  Ahman. 

This scripture attempts to remove the Pagan Gods (Elohim) that have been inserted in most bibles which people mistakenly worship.  Here is a listing of what changes have been made to make these Yasha Ahayah Scriptures Aleph Tav more Qadash (Holy);

Only "CLEAN WORD will do!

The Yasha Ahayah Scriptures Aleph Tav follows the cleanest Bible text and name lines, but removes all the false Pagan names, which cause your prayers to stumble

Proper Name of Father & Son

Scripture tells us there is Only ONE Name for the Father and Son which you can be Saved!  Acts 4:12, Romans 10:9 and Romans 10:13

Ahayah & Yashaya (Our Saviour)

Both have Hayah in their Name!

In Hosea 2:16 The Father wanted to be called Ishi, which in Paleo Hebrew is Ah-Yasha.

Yasha is Saviour in Hebrew!

Buy the TRUTH! Proverbs 23:23

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The Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures

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Unlock ancient wisdom with the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures!

-Learn the Bible using the true, original name of God

-Connect to the divine in a purer, more authentic way

-Access to the word of God as it was originally intended

Tap into the power of scripture and discover spiritual enlightenment!

-Uncover the original, undistorted message of the Bible

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Get a deeper understanding of the Creator's word – today!

-Find hope for your future in the words of the Bible

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-Gain spiritual guidance and find the path to true salvation.

More information on how Jesus is 666

"The number of his name" 

Revelation 13:16-18 

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The real Messiah wanted the Torah LAW to be followed (Matthew 5:17-18),not "anything goes" serpents laws (voted laws). The Yasha Ahayah Scriptures Aleph Tav;

Has a listing of the 613 Torah Laws of the Creator Ahayah at the back of the book, with a quick summary of which ones apply for today in bold text (297 of them). It also has 1,050 Commands of the New Covenant listed, which explain the Torah. If you have a Bible that says "End of the law" in Romans 10:4 you have a corrupted Bible!

All churches have some "truth" in them

But they are also deceived by Satan into worshipping false idols!

The Father said;Exodus 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. 
The Mashi'aH (Son) said;1 John 5:21  Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Ahman. 
This scripture attempts to remove the Pagan Gods (Elohim) that have been inserted in most bibles which people mistakenly worship. Here is a listing of what changes have been made to make these Yasha Ahayah Scriptures Aleph Tav more Qadash (Holy)

Save yourself and get a copy of the TRUTH today!

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GOD is Satan! GOD is NOT the name of the Creator!

If you have a Bible with GOD in it, you own a corrupted Bible!

Neither is the term "GOD" free from heathen trappings. Paul wrote that there are "gods many and lords many" (1 Corinthians 8:5 KJV). One root of "god" means "to pour as in a molten image" (Oxford English Dictionary). No wonder idols are known as Gods.

Satan is the GOD of this world!

2 Corinthians 4:4 (YASAT) (Satan) who is the GOD of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Mashi'aH, who is the image of Ahayah, should shine unto them.

Truth found in Scriptures

In the Book of Enoch 69:6, Satan's name is revealed as "Gadreel" and the short of that name would be "Gad" ... the letter "A," in Aramaic/Hebrew, is always pronounced "ahh" - so "Gad" is pronounced "God." See what's been going on? Satan is awfully crafty, isn't he!Gad is a Syrian or Canaanite deity of good luck or fortune. In Hebrew, it is written GD, but with Massoretic vowel-pointing, it gives us "Gad." Other Scriptural references to a similar deity, also written GD, have a vowel-pointing giving us "Gawd" or "God." Gad is identified with Jupiter, the Sky-deity or the Sun-deity.The Yasha Ahayah Scriptures Aleph Tav removes the Pagan (Satanic) idols in the Text The Father said;

Exodus 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. 

The Mashi'aH (Son) said;

1 John 5:21  Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Ahman. 

This scripture attempts to remove the Pagan Gods (Elohim) that have been inserted in most bibles which people mistakenly worship. Here is a listing of what changes have been made to make these Yasha Ahayah Scriptures Aleph Tav more Qadash (Holy)

Lord is Satan! That is NOT the name of the Creator!

If you have a Bible with GOD or Lord in it, you own a corrupted Bible!

H1167 Baal; a master; hence a husband, Lord* (which is why this Scriptures has removed Lord)

The title "lord" is applied to all heathen deities, if the word "god" is not used for them. In most cases "lord" and "god" are used interchangeably for pagan idols.

There was an Etruscan house deity whose name was Lar, which signified "Lord." It was also known as Larth, who later on became very popular in Rome and became known as Lares (plural) because as idol statues they were usually in pairs. The Greek equivalent of this name was Heros, which was another name for Zeus. A feminine form was known as Lara, who was the beloved of the god Mercury.

Lar and Larth mean Lord. The letters "th" and "d" were virtually interchangeably used, in various nations. It was also common to find "o" and "a" interchangeably used in Old and Middle English. The word "Lord" can also be traced back to Loride, a surname for the Teutonic god Thor, and to Lordo, another deity.

Lord of the Flies: Beelzebub Baalzebub Satan!

Instead of "Lord," the word "Master," an exact rendering of the Hebrew Adonai and the Greek Kurios, can be used. I know Lord means "my master" or “master”, which is also what Baal stands for. H1180 H1167 H1376

Ahayah wants to be called Ah-Yasha (Ishi), rather then Baal or “Lord”, or “My Master” (Hosea 2:16). That is why “Lord” has been removed from these scriptures. Ah-Yasha (Ishi) means “My Husband” and the “Old Testament” uses “My Husband” instead of My Master when reffering to Ahayah.

Beelzebub or Beelzebul is a name derived from a Philistine god, formerly worshipped in Ekron, ... The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the "Lord of the Flyers", or the "Lord of the Flies".

Truth found in Scriptures

Instead of "Lord," the word "Master," an exact rendering of the Hebrew Adonai and the Greek Kurios, can be used. I know Lord means "my master" or “master”, which is also what Baal stands for. H1180 H1167 H1376 Ahayah wants to be called Ishi, rather then Baal or “Lord”, or “My Master” (Hosea 2:16). Ishi is also Ah-Yasha in Paleo Hebrew. That is why “Lord” has been removed from these scriptures. Ishi means “My Husband” and the “Old Testament” uses “My Husband” instead of My Master when reffering to Ahayah.

The Yasha Ahayah Scriptures Aleph Tav removes the Pagan (Satanic) idols in the Text 
The Father said;Exodus 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. 
The Mashi'aH (Son) said;1 John 5:21  Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Ahman. 
This scripture attempts to remove the Pagan Gods (Elohim) Lord etc. that have been inserted in most bibles which people mistakenly worship. Here is a listing of what changes have been made to make these Yasha Ahayah Scriptures Aleph Tav more Qadash (Holy)

Frequently Asked Questions

How did you know that GOD was Pagan (Satanic)? God in modern Hebrew is אֱלהִים, which transliterates into Elohim.  The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 1, page 817, we find the information that El or Elohim simply means demon. 

A. In The OT. 1. Daimonism. a. Daimon. The Hebrew equivalent of "demon" (daimon) in the original sense is simply or ('elohim), commonly rendered "god." In Paleo Hebrew it is Ahla-Hayam which is restored in the Yasha Ahayah Scriptures Aleph Tav. It says in the scriptures to come out of Babylon, so going right back to the original Paleo Hebrew names accomplishes that. If you own a Bible with God or Elohim, you own corrupted scriptures which will be effecting your prayers.

What other things did you find that was Pagan (Satanic) in the scriptures?  All throughout the scriptures the Hebrews fell into worshipping foreign Gods.  They fell into captivity (Babylon) because of their unwillingness to follow the Most High who freed them out of Mitsrayim (Egypt).  The Most High promised to preserve His Word Psalm 12:7, but He never promised to preserve His Name!  Revelation 12:9 the whole World is deceived by Satan!  Both the Father and the Son name have been replaced with Pagan deities.

Where did you find the Father's name?  His name was preserved in only one spot, Exodus 3:14.  In modern Hebrew they come up with Eh’yeh, there was no E sound in Paleo Hebrew, HIS name is Ahayah!

Where did you find the Son's name? In the original Nomina Sacra (Sacred name). Notice the IC = ΙΣ = Iota Sigma = Yasha which means Saviour in Paleo Hebrew (see Codex Sinaiticus 4th century the Oldest New Testament). There are also other Papyrus parchments dating to 150ad, just shortly after the Messiah rise into Heaven.  Also in Hosea 2:16 the Father wanted to be called Ishi, rather then Baal.  Ishi in Paleo Hebrew is Ah-Yasha, the Father and the SON have the SAME NAME fulfilling John 5:43.

What else did you find out? I learned by reading the scriptures, that the Torah LAW still applies. The YASAT has the 613 Torah Laws at the back of the book, with 297 that apply for today in bold.  There are 1,050 New Covenant commands which explain the 613 Torah Laws, which is summarized in the 10 Commandments which rest on 2 Pillars: Love Ahayah and Love your Neighbour. It is easy to see if your in the LIGHT or not, by checking the simple lists at the back of the scriptures. This will help in ensuring your salvation.  How do you know you have CLEAN SCRIPTURES? Most modern Bibles are corrupt, the NIV is published by Zondervan, Harper Collins the same group that publishes the Satanic Bible. Its a corrupt Bible like many other modern Bibles used in the churches today. I spent years comparing texts, using a mac program called DeltaWalker. The KJV came out with the cleanest text when comparing to the original Hebrew and Greek. After years of research I found out that Christians and Jews (Yehudim) both have the same Bible text, the exact same word! Only 9 differences between the KJV and the Aleppo Codex. 1 Kings 20:38, Proverbs 8:16, Isaiah 10:16, Isaiah 27:2, Isaiah 38:14, Jeremiah 34:1, Ezekiel 30:18, Zephaniah 3:15, and Malachi 1:12. Imagine finding two religions with the same exact text! It says in the scriptures, Matthew 4:4 (YASAT)

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of Ahayah. A word for word translation that is kosher will help in getting your prayers answered.

How do you know you have CLEAN SCRIPTURES? Most modern Bibles are corrupt, the NIV is published by Zondervan, Harper Collins the same group that publishes the Satanic Bible. Its a corrupt Bible like many other modern Bibles used in the churches today. I spent years comparing texts, using a mac program called DeltaWalker. The KJV came out with the cleanest text when comparing to the original Hebrew and Greek.  After years of research I found out that Christians and Jews (Yehudim) both have the same Bible text, the exact same word! Only 9 differences between the KJV and the Aleppo Codex.  1 Kings 20:38, Proverbs 8:16, Isaiah 10:16, Isaiah 27:2, Isaiah 38:14, Jeremiah 34:1, Ezekiel 30:18, Zephaniah 3:15, and Malachi 1:12. Imagine finding two religions with the same exact text! It says in the scriptures, Matthew 4:4 (YASAT)

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of Ahayah. A word for word translation that is kosher will help in getting your prayers answered.

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